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Clay's Corner

Clay is my 10 year old son and a great friend to our chickens.
He helps me take care of our girls and watches over them while they roam the yard.
This page will be filled with his original art related to our birds. It is entirely designed by Clay!

Outbreak of Giant Squirrel
Four brave chickens try to stop the madness.

Construction Noise and Chips
Chips hates the noise of construction. She acts as a professor.

Who Says Chickens Can't Fly
This is a chicken helicopter.

Hopping Vehicle Chick
View into the vehicle where chickens are having lunch and taking naps.

King Chicken's Vehicle
Helicopter blades up top, cafeteria in the dome, thrown room, control room.

Fish Bowl

Clay and Peepen in the Sun

Clay and Bindin

Clay Holding Chips
Clay & Chips
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